【宣教師 フランシスコ・ザビエル】
・・・聖フランシスコ・ザビエル下関上陸記念碑建設委員会 2002 11 30>
願わくは、神の栄光と人々の奉仕のために、あらゆる危険と国難をも顧みず、この下関の地に上陸した聖フランシスコ・ザビエルの不撓不屈にして偉大なる精神と行動力にあやからんことを。・・・「たとえ。全世界を手にいれても 自分の魂を失ったならば なんの
Missionary, Francisco Xavier
When I returned home in September, I took my mother to Karato, Shimonoseki City (Yamaguchi prefecture) and happened to find two monuments. They were
1) Monument where Saint Francis Xavier landed
2) Place of Dozaki point
On the stone monument of Dozaki point, the following was inscribed…
“This is where the missionary, Francis Xavier, introduced Christianity and Western culture to Japan. Also, twenty-six saints were martyred in Nagasaki, late Edo period thinker Shoin Yoshida, the patriot Shin Takasugi, and many other famous and unknown people started a new page in the Japanese history.”
(St. Francis Xavier Shimonoseki Landing Monument Committee, 2002 November 30th).
The first stone monument marks the place where St. Francis Xavier landed in Shimonoseki. Following was the inscription on the monument….
“In the fall of 1550, Francisco Xavier, a foreigner landed at Shimonoseki. We pray that we remember the indomitable spirit and energy of St. Francis Xavier, who landed here in Shimonoseki, despite all dangers and national hardships, for the glory of God and the service of others.”
“For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Matthew 16:26)
The above passage in the bible made Xavier to decide to go to Japan.
After leaving Japan, Xavier headed for China, however, things didn't go as planned. He developed an illness and passed away on December 3rd at the age of 46.
Until last week it was World Baptist Week of Prayer. Let us not forget that many missionaries came to Japan. (Pastor)